... applying. I am also an internationalapplicant from Canada and all the ... care if you are an internationalapplicant or American citizen as long ...
I'm a reversesplitter! Would love to hear where you got in and what your stats are. I've started some applications but my LSAT score is preventing me from applying to more cuz idk how much of a chance I have. Definitely following this thread !
@TimeIsMoney Congratulations on all your acceptances!! So glad you got into some of your top choices. You give me hope as a potential reversesplitter :')
... and no. While being an internationalapplicant definitely brings 'diversity' to the ... most schools would take your international status to be enough to ... .top-law-schools.com/urm-applicant-faq.html
... think the broad definition for splitter is being under the 25th ... 75th percentile for LSAT. A reversesplitter would be under the 25th ... the day classifying as a splitter depends on the school you ... what-are-law-school-splitters-reverse-splitters-super-splitters/
Hi I’m an internationalapplicant too!I don’t have Toefl score, so after I take Jan. Lsat, I’ll first apply to the law schools that don’t require Toefl score.