Anybody else think the real LG was really difficult? That's normally my best section and I bombed it. The water colors and oil painting game and the companies trading games were tough.
... called "EIW" or "OCI" ('early interview week' and 'on campus interviews ... on time for you to interview at the new school you ... school, the percentage (if they interview applicants from that school at ... and managed to score an interview: when law firms are looking ...
Suit up. Match one of the colors of the tie to your eyes and be sure to vary the pattern size between the shirt and tie. Shoes must match belt. Be sure to train how you fight and wear it for practice tests as well.
... jennilynn89 my Georgetown interview was a group practical interview, where we ... articulate ourselves. My Cornell interview was actually with just ... questions were fairly standard interview ilk. Asking you to ... a list of standard interview questions online, I'd ...
The only interview I have done so far ... Lewis & Clark:
The interview was supposed to be via ... didn't play any mean interview tricks, like trick questions, asking ...