This ... yourself: "what is a question that is answered or attempted ... with main point and other question types, as well as ... a claim that answers some question raised earlier in the ...
I am looking for a specific LSAT question that comes from the October 2013 LSAT because I wanted to see if there would be an explanation video on it. Is there a way to look for this?
Does anyone write down the board for the acceptable situation question 1? I feel like this could potentially help on future questions to show a could be true answer or something similar. Or is this too risky in case you get it wrong?
In the rattlesnake question, I saw "food" and dismissed ... too obvious. Perhaps a good question to ask of the answer ... /lsat_explanations/lsat-30-section-2-question-22/
I saw a question that said "What is the overall conclusion..". For these overall conclusion questions, is it best to choose the main conclusion, or to also include information from the other stimulus too? Thank you!
Hello all! Why is the game time tracking always stopping whenever Im moving onto another question? I have to manually click "continue game time tracking" Its not allowing me to see how long Im taking on each game accurately
I narrowed it down to D or E, but neither really made much sense to me but I felt D was a little better so I chose it, though the correct answer was E. This question felt much more like a reconciliation question rather than an MSS question to me
Hi! Is there any way to drill by question types I seem to get incorrect often in the reading comprehension section? Or at least finding passages in which a question of the specific type I'm looking for is included? Thank you! :)