For the new ... be true? In my mind theword "only" is too strong; if this ... exam, and the only reason I chose it was because I had ... to pick something (I had already eliminated A ...
... an in-world sale. Is it becausethe passages never talk about different ... is new information? Or becausetheword "exchange" in answer choice E alludes to a ... barter rather than a ...
... attacks it; “It would be a mistake, though, to dispute Hart ... D because, the amount of “real estate” -if you will- occupying the passage is ... not necessarily to take a critical stance on a view. By mentioning ...
... make the test emotional because it offers a connection between you and the test ... word (strength of word)
6. Underline “most likely”: Strong word (strength of word ... ”: States what the problem is
5. Circle “should”: conclusion indicator
6 ...
... over in preparation for the retake. After noticing a subtle difficulty shift ... in the 70+ exams, I decided to combat the ... much of a gamble because of the way the "new" LR stimuli is constructed and ...
... confused when, where and how theword "not" is used sometimes. For example ... conclusion is translated to if a university class is not conducted in a normal ... and negates the necessary condition? Is it becausethe if already designates the sufficient condition ...
... assumption? I think this is an interesting point and if ... like a "reasonable assumption" in my opinion. Or maybe theword "graft ... you would think is wrong. To say the accusations are unfounded ... to assume a biologist would work in a lab because this happens ...
... etc.) a. This RARELY ever occurs becausethe reading is very difficult and ... />
i. Find where theword/phrase/context is within the passage
ii. Read ... />
2. Want you to make alogical leap from details to make ...
... :
• Political Economists: The best indicator of economic health isthe GNP
• Author ... Per Capita GNP because in a way the author is attacking the practice of using ... and then you read the sentence without theword in there, then you ...
"Finding the conclusion" is as easy as riding a bicycle... and as hard, for ... />
I have noticed that theword "should" is as helpful as "thus" or ... finding a conclusion. Unlike the typical conclusion keywords, "should" appears in conclusions because ...
... />
Although we were determining the argument’s “flaw”, we ... answer choice that summarized the attorney’s flawed “ ... The correct answer choice is exceedingly different from the normal flaw a ... , especially because we’ve already established a strong foundation ...
... continue the discussion at the end of the passage. I ruled out A, because of ... tone, and selected E. However, apparently Aisthe right answer. Is ... anyone able to explain why? I knew the question ...
... logical statements. For example, take the following sentence:
All that is ... is" to signify that the predicate that follows will be a sufficient condition ... suspect that the predicate in each case defines a sufficient condition. What ...
... seemed logical to me because it hints at 2 possibilities: 1. the considerable ... time understanding why answer choice Ais correct. The proponents beliefs seemed to ...
... because I am in the some and most relationships lessons and theword "ALL" is ... "All" isa group 1 sufficient condition indicator in conditional ... ; /J) however in the some and most relationships lessons ... F). So whats the difference between the two, when should ...
... whether postponing the test date (by paying $90) isa good idea because that ... would mean losing money and the chance ... even enter the classrooms where the test will be taken because I' ... m not one of the school's ...
... am considering showing up for the test on sept. 24th ... I would then cancel the score, because I am not ready. ... it will give me a confidence boost in December ... the process once. The only con I can think of is that a ... anyone in admissions care? Is this a bad idea?
Greetings fellow 7sagers. I took the Sept. LSAT and did ... finished every section well under the time constraints and missed ... the real Dec. LSAT is going to be a huge kick in the teeth because ... study and motivation (in part because I feel stuck and directionless ...
The correct answer is B. However, I originally selected Abecause this answer ... seems to be linked to the premise following the ... conclusion. Answer A incorporated the information that came after since, which isa premise indicator ...
... in the world can D be the correct answer. The colloquial word 'buff' isthe only ... a general audience? I found all answers horrible, but B was the ...
... death.” The article said I was probably “subvocalizing” (aword for pronouncing ... basically misunderstand everything everyone says because you are some sort ... m not so sure the RC section isthe time for it ... some folks! Maybe it isthe secret way to victory and ...
I've seen theword modality thrown around a lot in discussions. As related to the LSAT, and in everyday English, what is modality? Examples are welcome! Thanks in advance.
... "national and other political borders" because borders are technically places. Not ... receives a carrot to indicate a pivot with theword "but". Now here is where ... I didn't really read the passage. Because I read looking for ...
... question out mainly because of the lessons on 7Sage. The first lesson I ... a premise. We also have an additional premise that is introduced by theword ... “and.” We then have a comma and the conclusion is ...
... marking Athe right answer due to theword "beforehand." In the context of the passage ... ). However, I eventually chose Abecause all the other answer choices also limited ... there isa certain case that lasts several days, and the parties of the ...
... isthe correct answer choice. Is it correct because it points to the flipping of the ... “success in sale” is not the same as “making a comfortable living in ... three years developing a client base --> make a comfortable living in ...
**Because of this investment, it is unlikely that a significant switch ... BR because C takes away (or at least severely weakens) the "investment ... in mind that the cheapness of the equipment is not why people will ...
... "should" because I'm still not sure if you need theword "should ... " or similar language to close thelogical gap between the conclusion ... . Is normative language in the answer choice always necessary to prove a normative ...