Hasn't been on a tuesday though, so hard to say if it'll be more like the Wednesday planned release and have it out barely early or if it will be like the past Monday planned and come out today or tm
@bonjoursm when you log into LSAC and go into the LSAT portion where you see the Feb administration test, you'll see a couple of green icons. Right before they send your score via email, those icons turn grey/gray which means an imminent release.
yeah they tweeted that, they open in 20 min... tho that shouldnt affect much. If scores are coming out today they still will, but who knows what they plan on. Feb test release are generally pretty annoying and close to release... very frustrating
oh that... yeah they said it was veryyy likely hinting they had hints about the release but it didnt happen and sent another email saying sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt and this is one time it didnt or something
I think there was a date where the score came out a day later... but it was a one off thing ... I saw it on a chart online which compared the official release date comparisons with the actual release date comparisons... I'll try see if I can look it up.
Here it is... the score was one day late due to storm in 2012 October... though once for march the scores have been released on the exact day... http://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/bid/153643/LSAT-Score-Release-Dates-Scheduled-vs-Actual-Comparison-2004-2014