... powerful, and all jedi use the force. Thus, all jedi are powerful. Tom ... is not a jedi, thus ... aprentice of Darth Sidious, a force user and Sith Master." Jedi Masters in fights, even though he can't use the force ...
All Jedis are force users becomes J->F ... not use the force, one is not a Jedi /F->/ ... is a Force user, then one is a Jedi F-> ... bubble. A set of all Force users in a bubble. ... These are the people that Force users, but not Jedis. ...
... you're a Jedi, then you use the force.” So in this ... you're a Jedi, then you use the force?” Well an idea ... set is called force users, smaller set is called Jedi; really these ... saying of the Jedi that they’re all force users, not just ...
... />
All Jedi use the Force. Darth Vadar uses the force. [Premises ...
[English] All Jedi use the Force. Dooku uses the Force. Therefore, Dooku ... is a Jedi. Jedi, also uses the Force. So, just ...
... the sentence, "A Jedi is always a Force User". Breaking down the ... a Jedi in order to know that they are also a Force ... a Force User in order for them to be a Jedi. That ... and accurate by taking "Jedi", "always" and "Force User" and translating immediately ...
... />
If I say all Jedi use the Force and all Sith Lords ... the Force as well, then Luke Skywalker is, therefore, both a Jedi ... Lord. The analogy of the Jedi and Sith assumes that Luke ... father--was, technically, both a Jedi and a Sith).
... take an example, "All Jedi use the force except when they are ... tired."
(Jedi -> Use the Force) -> (not tired)
Tired -> not (Jedi -> Use the Force)
The contrapositive would ...
Hey @"Giant Panda" , I'd love to help but I'm not entirely sure what your question is. I'm also not entirely sure what a universal statement is. Are you referring to an all statement? Something like "All Jedi use the force"
... />
All Jedis use the Force **(J-->F)** is logically ... We have a non Jedi or a Force-user **(/J or F ... ", that we could have non-Jedi and Force users as well. See ...
... 1: All Jedi use the force
Conclusion: All Jedi eat chicken wings ... , All force users eat chicken wings, does that mean all Jedi eat ... />
Premise 1: All Jedi use the force.
Premise 2: All ...
... the force, except the Jedis that own droids. (If a Jedi owns ... a droid, then s/he doesn't use the force ... . So a Jedi would always either own ... a droid or use the force ...
... ( from his time as a Jedi during the clone wars to ... human Tusken Raider to a Jedi to finally a Sith Lord ... Bane is the far superior Force user.