Gotcha :)
Thanks for your advice!
Although it takes time, I do also find I learn a lot by comparing different explanations.
I'll continue to do that too. :)
@"JonathanWang" Thanks for that explanation. I second @montaha.rizeq If you dropped in there and did an informal talk that would definitely help and I'd show up!
@"Dillon A. Wright" Thanks for the cool resource. I'll check it out!
I just want to reiterate what @"JonathanWang" said above: if you don't specify, people will likely assume you are those things anyways. You may as well be honest and up front about it.
@"JonathanWang" The link to your youtube video doesn't seem to work. Could you name the title and I will look it up elsewhere? I'm curious to hear this lecture.