Does anyone know if it's likely that the October LSAT will be LSAT Flex? Also for LSAT Flex, are you allowed to use scrap paper for reading comp notes since you can't really annotate on the computer besides highlighting?
Will admissions look at the lsat flex differently for the 2021 applications? I would not like to have to retake the exam a third time, so I would start my applications with my july flex score.
I took the July Flex after 3 months of everyday studying for the LSAT through a different prepcourse. I am wondering how to approach using 7sage to improve my score for a retake, the amount of content is a little overwhelming.
... the time. I took the June 2019 test since we could ... am registered for the August flex test, but I am really ... isnt improving. The most recent flex practice tests I took were ...
I took the July flex and had a good experience. If you have any questions about the format, proctor experience, etc..., I will answer. I, for obvious reasons, will not speak to specific questions.
Hi everyone! I registered for august lsat-flex and checked "I need a quiet/private room".
Has anyone had any experience with this "quiet/private room" option? What does the space they provide look like?
Thank you!~
I remember the highlight feature was pretty buggy on the digital tablet form of the test (pre-covid). Is the highlight feature more reliable with the flex? I'll be using a wireless mouse.
... a time slot for August FLEX? I saw someone saying that ... weird. Can anyone share how FLEX time slot sign up works ... in previous North American FLEX? Thanks a lot!