The negation of "Some films have not ... ". Using your terminology, the negation is "there are no films ... "Not Many" be the logical opposite of All? As All ... is not the logical opposite of "all". The logical opposite of "all ...
... ? Obviously you have a strong logical foundation. The difference between getting ... those 3 right vs. wrong could come down to ... 'd imagine someone with your logical foundation could eliminate all of ...
... . All = 100% (everything). Negation: Not all (0 - 99%). Example ... Everyone in Canada likes hockey." Negation: "Not everyone in Canada ... case, "Some"). Negation: Not many. Example: "Many people ... 't split. For the contrapositive, AND becomes OR and ...
... understand why my method of negation is incorrect. I guess ... you have any more basic logical concepts to share that ... />
When @quinnxzhang shows the negation using conditional diagrams, I believe ... simply showing that the negation of a conditional statement ...
The negation of ... 'J → F' is not '/F → /J'. The contrapositive is ... the conditional's negation. That is, the negation of P is ... off just memorizing that the negation of "all" is "some ...
Ah I see. So contrapositive is not a negation just the same logically equivalent statement. Thanks I will just memorize that All's negation as "Some Not". Thanks again
... . Be able to differentiate NA vs. SA question types. Once you ... make the argument VALID (hence negation tests), the missing premise is ... premise that is NEEDED/REQUIRED vs. a premise that is TOO ...
... love music, what is the logical fallacy of interpreting it as ... than" simply serves as a negation of a set where the ... group that is outside the negation, and the property of "unknown ...
... that if broken by a negation, would severely weaken the ... and then understand how that negation effects the argument.
< ... this other variable that the negation necessitates allow us to ... us that "bridge" in the contrapositive form. The "only if" is ...
... not 100% sure on the logical structure of this argument. I ... , sufficient is failed. In the contrapositive, the necessary is satisfied. Either ...
The contrapositive of P --->(~M---& ... B) before figuring out the contrapositive. To do that, take ... br />
The contrapositive of the last logical statement (our simplified statement ... " with "or" when getting the contrapositive).
So the negation of "most" is definitely not " ... the statement into two neat logical halves. So here the complete ... logical opposite of "most" will be ... thats why its not the logical opposite of "most".
< ...
... JY calls the group 4 logical translation (not both rule). He ... can't be a cat, contrapositive, no dog is a cat ... autocorrect tries to tell me "contrapositive" should be "contraceptive" or "contravention ...
... . The negation of a statement is equivalent to the logical opposite. Since ... least one, possibly all, the logical opposite of at least one ... than 50%, possibly all, the logical opposite would be: something less ...
... clearly identifying the assumptions in logical reasoning questions. I understand the ... difference between necessary vs. sufficient assumptions, overlooked possibilities & ...