... you should try making low-resolution/high-resolution summaries while ... are Mentor @Sami 's low-resolution/high-resolution summaries of ... />
1) Have a low-resolution summary of each paragraph first and ... think of a high-resolution summary second.
2) Find ...
... now I'm writing the low resolution summary and the purpose. I ... much it. The low and high resolution summary under time occurs ... don't think the low and high resolution summary are something that ... the margins and read the low resolution summary, I then ask myself ...
Thanks for this reminder. I'm also in the same boat a good RC and I'm mid/low I70s bad RC high 160s tragically had a -8 in June which was a shock since I thought I'd fix my RC woes.
... and inference questions in the RC passages which are always a ... in both during my low PTs. In RC, it's the same ... think the issue lies in RC and LR for sure because ...
... else can discuss the low and high resolution summary strategy for reading ... the passage, then the low resolution summary strategy may be what you ...
... then write the high resolution summary (HRS) while referring the passage ... each paragraph. Write low resolution summary then high resolution summary then the next ...
I think you can use a combination of both. I generally use memory for low-res and for high-res I might look back at the passage for the key words. For structure, tone, and MP it's probably best to try to do it without referring to the passage though.
I try to find generally one or two sentences per paragraph that sum up what the purpose of the paragraph is. It's generally stated in the paragraph itself, and so i would condense that and make it my low-resolution summary.
JY-- Thank you so much for taking the time to host these! It was extremely beneficial to hear you explain the passages and low-res approach in detail. I especially enjoyed learning the approach to the comparative passages. You're an incredible teacher!