I think you should apply. What do you have to lose? E-mail them and ask them for a feewaiver (I know a lot of people who did that) - then it should only cost $35 to apply.
... writing sample.
https://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/test-disclosures ... ;3. Does anyone know if LSACfee waivers are renewed on an ... . I think you should call LSAC.
Your reports will not be sent out until you click "submit application" and pay the $40 LSACfee or whatever, on top of the application fee per individual school.
So I would purchase it sooner rather than later :)
Does anybody know if Boston College offers a feewaiver? I did TFA and I noticed a lot of schools waive the fee for these years of service but I can't find anything on BCs website.
I get "503 Error This page is inactive" after I click the "JD FeeWaiver Application" button: http://www.law.northwestern.edu/admissions/applying/
Is it just me or does everyone get the same error?