> @akistotle said:
> I once tried to make a list of all the common flaws.....But then I gave up. :sweat: So here is a partial list:
> **5) Causation confusions (correlation-causation flaws)**
> PT20.S1.Q10; ...
Here is a _very_ partial list of correlation-causation flaws:
PT20.S1.Q10 (★★★), PT20.S4.Q14 (★★★), PT30.S2.Q25 (★★★★), PT31.S2.Q9 (★★★★), PT64.S1.Q5 (★), PT65.S1.Q8 (★), PT66.S4.Q25(★★★)
Really confused by this question, I chose the right answer ... common in the modern LSAT?
After watching video, I understand why A is true. Yet, I still confuse about (D). Is it not a flaw?
The link is here https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-29-section-4-question-14/
... that on Strengthen questions the LSAT will always give us four ... correct answer to a Strengthen question. And that makes sense, because ... **
... so far, this logical reasoning question seems to break the "cardinal ... note:** https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-30-section-4-question-20/