... to study for the LSAT. Going straight from undergrad to law ... academic standing. You are going to find amazing people on ... first take at the LSAT, but I learned that ... preparing for the LSAT, being confident in how ... is taking the December LSAT won't put you ...
... lot of highly consequential changes. Goingdigital is a sensitive process that ... important to remember that a digital test is cheaper to administer ...
... who end up taking the LSAT with accommodations are an ... who could potentially take the LSAT with accommodations. The process ... strongly intent on taking the LSAT/going to law school. One also ... spite of their disabilities are going to be skewed slightly towards ...
"LSAC will provide scratch paper and a pen for test takers to use during the test. We will provide a stylus that can be used to underline and highlight text on the tablet."
... worried about taking it digital for the first time, ... pressure associated with the digital exam. It’s basically ... digital stylus available for diagraming!
https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat ... /about-digital-lsat
... about the digitalLSAT: https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat/about-digital-lsat
LSAT again, before April 2020, ... in case I get the digital format in July. I understand ... July if you take the digital exam, so you would still ...
... it even included on the digital test? If so how ... Essays completed during previous LSAT administrations will still be valid ... />
@jennw065 ... by reading from the digital PDF and I plan ...
3 times is not a problem. I probably would take sign up for June anyways since the test is goingdigital and that would be an extra adjustment. Have fun tomorrow and take June anyways! 3 is really not a problem
Yeah, the September LSAT will be digital. June will still be paper- ... because I'm digging the digital version. 7Sage has a beta ... Info on the digital test: https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat/about-digital-lsat
I am loving the digital app on 7Sage. I particularly enjoy the timing analytics. Great job. I am looking forward to when I'll be able to drill sections and Q types. I find goingdigital has made it easier to study and see my mistakes. Thanks again!!
I have a feeling the memory method is definitely the way to go now that the test is goingdigital. I will changing my approach to be more centered around that. Ideally, that means not markup is required.
... actually gonna take the July LSAT instead of June (I was ... I heard it was mixed-digital I scrapped that and just ... played around with the LSAT's digital practice thing and much prefer ... when I read anything in digital.
Plus eye fatigue. I ...