... my two acquaintances was my LSAT instructor; they'd probably be ... or less rewire ourselves for success rather than counting only on ... the RC section of the LSAT. And it remains virtually impossible ... is far more determinative of LSATsuccess than nature in the vast ...
If it makes you feel any better I have definitely plateaued - my score has stayed consistent for the last1.5months in spite of additional studying. It happens but I don't have specific tips for you. Have you gotten significantly worse?
... Because even though my LSAT score is 5-6 points higher than ... of my GPA from my 5 year degree, including my really ... .... *shrug*.... Just shows that your LSAT isn't everything!
... Because even though my LSAT score is 5-6 points higher than ... of my GPA from my 5 year degree, including my really ... .... *shrug*.... Just shows that your LSAT isn't everything!
... Because even though my LSAT score is 5-6 points higher than ... of my GPA from my 5 year degree, including my really ... .... *shrug*.... Just shows that your LSAT isn't everything!
> ...
... Because even though my LSAT score is 5-6 points higher than ... of my GPA from my 5 year degree, including my really ... .... *shrug*.... Just shows that your LSAT isn't everything!
> ... as important as a high LSAT score.
@westcoastbestcoast Thanks! I do think I'll be able to put together a compelling application and my numbers will be strong enough. It's definitely not exactly a common career path for people in my field so it's encouraging to hear successstories.