Did you figure it out? If you have a Mac and recently downloaded a new OS (Catalina is one of them), there is a new requirement that you allow screen sharing via Chrome within System Preferences
@nanabillan hey! are you using a mac? I had the same issue. If you are, download the app Memory Diag from the app store and launch it. You press a button and it finds memory and closes out ram
Hey the system they are using is "Support-LogMeinRescue" I contacted this company and its NOT compatible with my MAC I had a horrible test day. My recommendation request one of LSATS devices or use a PC
for fellow MacBook Air users - I found its really helpful to create a "Quit Everything" application for yourself, took care of the RAM issues I was having
How to do it: https://osxdaily.com/2013/06/02/quit-all-applications-mac-os-x/