I printed out a preptest, timed it myself and scored it. I want to upload the results online so I can see which types of questions I missed without going through the entire digital test putting my answers in one-by-one. Is there a way to do this?
Hi 7 sage,
Is the website currently under maintenance or some tech adjustment?
I tried different computer (even the one on my company), and it still lagged horribly.
If I take a PT on lawhub, yet want the results on 7sage, how can I transfer them over? Is the only way to manually "take the test" on 7sage and bubble in my answers from Law Hub?
... have noticed that any given PrepTest on lawhub.lsac.org has ... differ significantly from the corresponding PrepTest on 7sage.com. For example ... , PrepTest 86 on lawhub.lsac.org ...