... if the problem sets use questions past PT 35. For some ... already used up a few questions from each, even though I ... sure I don't use questions from the newer test while ...
There's probably a simple answer to this, but I am at a loss. How do I make sure that questions I got wrong and "pinned" get put back into the pool of questions for later? Thank you!.
I have noticed a peculiar trend where the LR questions that I tend to miss most are not the ones that I flag but instead the random other ones. I realized that I almost never miss the questions I flag but I miss the ones that I don't flag.
... but I keep getting inference questions wrong. I get around a ... of those are usually inference questions. So far, I just keep ... on how they handle inference questions? Or any advice on how ...
... have been working w SA questions since the end of August ... the fundamental patterns of SA questions engrained in my head? Or ... -visiting the foundations of SA questions (I feel like the video ...
any advice on how to get "high" priority questions correct? I always get low priority questions right, regardless of difficulty level, but struggle with the high ones. Especially in LR
I have noticed that the questions I get wrong on RC are always the inference based ones. Anyone have any advice on how to improve on this particular question type?
**[I am posting on behalf of a 7Sage user.]**
Is using questions from the newer PTs something students do once they’ve completed the core curriculum? I was referring to once I finish it.