... am currently working on my personalstatement and diversity statements and I ... . If anyone has any positive personal experience with a specific tutor ...
... getting a master's in ed policy from a ... 4 years of professional experience in international development, law, research ... lot of life-altering events in the past couples of ... and divorce in the family and minimal support system+ mentalhealthissues so ...
Hi! I have an early decision deadline coming up pretty soon and am trying to get as much feedback on my personalstatement as possible. Would love to help out anyone who would also like feedback on their PS! Message me and we can swap! :)
I have an idea for a personalstatement structure. I want to introduce 3 events that all taught me the importance of a single virtue. Would it be a bad move to have 3 paragraphs talking on 3 different events?
Who would be willing to help me look over statement? More than aware than it's a personalstatement and has to be written on my own, I have a draft done, but little refinements / suggestions with certain things from an outside perspective would be great!
Hey everybody! I am struggling between what topic to use for my personalstatement and how to structure it. If someone could please message me and let me know if they can help me with that. Thanks!
Hello, Does anyone know an approximate good length for personal statements, how long should the personalstatement be? The general personalstatement for law school. Thanks