... />
Choosing "D" as our negate necessary, it would follow like such ... choosing FTCTP as our negate necessary, it would be like this ... />
Choosing /CTP as our negate sufficient we get this:
D ... or choosing D our negate necessary we get this:
/CTP ...
... statement. In other words, the sufficient condition of our second conditional ... have the sufficient condition occur and not have the necessary condition follow ...
So negate study ... make it necessary and make not large sufficient
/Large group ... large and make it necessary and study is sufficient
Study--> ...
... on. Thats the fastest way! Sufficient Assumption Q's are a ... and put it in the necessary of the answer choice or ... ideas in the sufficient that match the right necessary or what you ...
... we have learned, "only" indicates necessary condition. So we have: DSI ... does this. "Unless" indicates negate sufficient. So negate the first part ... it sufficient, leave the second part alone and as the necessary. You ...
... />
Note, in the case of Assumptions, sometimes (even often) the assumption ... anticipated as there are infinite assumptions associated with any argument, and ... validity
**SAs are sufficient for validity, but are not ...
"No" is a negate necessary indicator, group 4. so, No rabbit is white = R-->/W or W-->/R
"If" is a sufficient indicator group 1. So, if you are a rabbit then you are white= R-->W or /W-->/R.
... is learning and practising the necessary skill sets related to active ... " for me, and what is necessary to me, through practise. I ... for the conclusions drawn; when assumptions are made for the conclusion ...
Relavent to LR:
Do you tend to miss the Q's on the same question type (i.e Flaws, NecessaryAssumptions,etc)? If you're only missing like -2 to -4 wrong per section, then you might just need to work on your timing as you have the basics down.