The really tricky part is when you start toying around with taking the contrapositive. While negating an entire conditional phrase is functionally the same as negating an isolated condition, it can be difficult to wrap your head around at first.
... "negation test", which involves logically negating each answer choice. In the ... world? As you can see, negating this assumption doesn't completely ...
... are in doubt between negating quantity indicator or negating the verbs like ... negate this answer choice by negating the quantity indicator "some". LSAT ...
... 't say whether "negating then 'then' part" is negating the whole conditional ... would negate the consequent when negating the conditional, but you would ...
... one. Because an universal quantifier/conditional logic dictates a ... />
The difference for existential quantifier is the latter speaks for ... translate this with existential quantifier, bc its existence ... such as universal/existential quantifier, bc it neither ...