Remember G3-->Q5, but Q is clearly in 4, so that negates the necessary condition, triggering a negation of the sufficient condition. In other words, G cannot be in 3. That leaves only J and H for slot 3. Hence, answer D
... ’re equating a contrapositive with negation. They’re not the same ... statement is entirely different. The negation of a conditional statement like ...
I'm unclear how negation of
Major Meteor Impacts – ... />
This is saying that the negation of some is all. I ... it rains. What is the negation of this. All days it ... never rains. How can the negation of it rains some days ...
Unable is a negation. So either use that as ... use the without as a negation, or use without as a ... and use unable as a negation. In doing so you either ... an indicator and as a negation.
@StopLawying I’d go back to the lesson I linked, but essentially it’s this: any negation to a universally conditional statement (If X then Y) becomes an intersection statement (X some /Y).