Whenever there's an ENtJ on a show I am like, "wow very ruthless, such decisive, many bluntness" and then I find out they are ENTJ and I'm like ... Oh ... Maybe tone it down a notch, Hopkins ...
@badgalriri def need to BR on a clean copy. @nicole.hopkins I want to do BR calls in the worst way, but im still on prep tests 19-28, which I don't think many people do as full PT's.
@nicole.hopkins had two month to study and only a little over a month to practice actual questions. Figured that's the only way to finish enough preptests. LOL foolish foolish decision. Don't do what I did everyone. DON'T.
@nicole.hopkins Thank you so much for the recommendations, I have been lurking on here for a bit and you are so awesome! Should I take every PT with 5 sections?