First, if a ... always, to eliminate a MBT answer all you have to do ... rules and yet violates the answer choice. There's no such ... this is out winning MBT answer choice.
That all depends on where your numbers fall... Double tapped below both 25ths or above both 75ths that is true... Most everyone else will be waiting until January or later.
... LogicFiend! The necessary condition above seems more like something that ... to anticipate what the correct answer would be by identifying ... though, they put the correct answer in terms of its contrapositive ... to connect. The only answer that comes close to this ...
For MSS it's basically just asking: what do you know? (Based on the info above) MSS always baits you into making further assumptions that seem legitimate. But the answer is always something more basic.
... say only 20% got an answer correct. Now, you might conclude ... answer were PTing in the 140s? Maybe everyone who was scoring above ... 160 got the answer correct.
Some ...
... test and just record the numbers of the questions that you ... . Then use that as an answer sheet for your BR. Put ... indicate that I changed the answer.
I understand you do not teach Powerscore here. But, I just wanted to confirm the concept I mentioned above. Are you saying that answer to my initial question is "Yes"
... weighted is the LSAT score above anything else in your ... applications. Some schools read your numbers up front while others read ... dinged quickly, and people above both 75ths will get accepted ... recent graduates from schools well above your law school's ...
... reasons for why the wrong answer choices are wrong. Anything less ... strangers, read "A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math ... usually instantly know the right answer.
More I ... lines ahead/behind. Typically the answer matters more on the _context_ ... my tip 1 above (most strongly supported) a correct answer is far ... the past. Stuck between 2 answer choices, I will almost ...