... speed connections specifically to handle traffic spikes. So theoretically, we shouldn ... 't be running into traffic issues due to the upcoming ...
No and no. You'll likely just write a simple addendum and that will be that. It wasn't a scored section violation so it's not a big deal. And most schools only care about your highest score so just see how you did and plan from there.
I'm spending it making a pros and cons list for Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Full-ride Columbia, Chicago, and NYU, fully knowing it will soon become a useless file.
... architects are in violation of that precept, and violation means that they ... U if the definition of violation is sufficient occurring without the ... that if they were in violation of F+I then U ... AND I to be in violation of the precept, but the ...
@splitter91 I think it was the first question in the section, a disagreement question about a guy having a lot of/too many traffic violations or tickets
I see. So, if you have won an Olympic gold medal, a Rhodes, are a Navy SEAL, have a 4.0, and 179 you actually may not get accepted at say, NYU, with the thinking that you are likely to get HYS and will take one of those?