... had Admission officers from Harvard, NYU,Virginia ect. They all talked ... (schools: Harvard, UVA, Penn and NYU): https://livestream.com/kaptest/the ... (schools: UVA, BC, GWU and NYU): https://livestream.com/kaptest/lsat ...
Omg yes I totally feel you sometimes it's way more fun looking at schools then studying. I currently have a serious boner for Stanford Berkeley and NYU
... 's credentials before letting them interview. The interviews are all scheduled ... />
I signed up. An individual interview invitation isn't guaranteed for ...
... 's credentials before letting them interview. The interviews are all scheduled ... ; I signed up. An individual interview invitation isn't guaranteed for ...
I mean, a group interview isn't guaranteed either. but ...
Yeah true that a group interview isn't guaranteed. That's ... signing up for a group interview probably makes it likely that ... they'll give a group interview instead of individual.
... ; Yeah true that a group interview isn't guaranteed. That's ... signing up for a group interview probably makes it likely that ... they'll give a group interview instead of individual.
> ...