... ’m getting wrong are only 4-5 star difficulty questions. The type ... difficultylevel that’s tripping me up. Should I create drills to only ... do 4-5 star difficulty questions or is ...
... sometimes I manage to go -3 on LR but then RC ... typically go around -2 or 3 but trying to bring it ... two wrong on the easy level 1 difficulty sequencing game but during ...
what is the distribution shape? If there are 25 problems in each LR section, how many problems are 1 star, 2 star, 3, star, 4 star, and 5 star respectively?
... find it depends on my level. When I was just ok ... with the huge jump with only 1 more question wrong? PT ... , that's just one more level of "difficulty" that you have to ...
Reading speed/comfort level is intensely personal, so just ... I spend between 2.5-3.5 minutes reading, annotating, and ... on the level of difficulty and I avg -1 to -3 on RC ...
... seeing the answers within seconds. I do struggle slightly with the level ... 5 difficulty ones because everything is ... when really its just about seeing in your head what the ...
... so the difficulty assigned to any given question is only a ... sort of objective measure of difficulty as dictated by LSAC ... and JY will reference the difficultylevel of a question but ... analytics will reflect the opposite level of difficulty.
... . And each question's level of difficulty is determined by the percentage ... categorized as being of greater difficulty. LSAC has an idea of ... a certain level of consistency in terms of the difficulty of each ... the LSAT. Naturally it would only make sense for the PT ...
... a rough threshold for each difficultylevel based on the percentage of ... each question right. Even for level 5 questions the threshold is ... , 85-90 for level 2, 80-85 for level3, 75-80 for ...
... their package. I think the only difference I noticed on those ... question types and the level of difficulty for the questions were the ... to a binder because they only needed one question from that ...
... opinion but this was the only thing that worked for me ... unique position where I only have about 3 clean PTs left (77 ... ). This was how I started seeing improvements in my overall logical ...
... of July I was only missing 2-3 on timed LG sections ... world and 7Sage videos can only help so much. To get ... LG you have to begin seeing the patterns. By using the ...
... with a BBA in Economics (3.7 GPA) in 2013. ... Also, I'm a CFA Level3 candidate, have published academic research ... walk them through the level of adversity I've ... T-14 with grad-level education from better schools ... while in grad school and only 22 years of age ...
... assumes that there is one level of abstraction for calculus. ... of abstraction. The argument ONLY differentiates between the levels of ... So there's this one level of abstraction: calc abstraction. ... slower kids, level 2 for average kids and level3 for smart ...
... curriculum I spent about 2-3 hours a day after work ... - 3 hours depending on how many I've circled and the level ... of difficulty. The day after is ...
i can tell you for sure that it's not difference in level of difficulty. I got destroyed in PT 51(especially LR sec 3. I even remember the section number: that's how hard i got rekt), while doing much better on other ones.