Quite the understatement. Harvard/Yale/Stanford don't do merit-aid scholarships so you would have to be super poor to get some financial aid and even then isn't likely to be a full-ride.
Doesn't Stanford offer free tuition for students of parents making "less than $125,000 annually"? (previously $100,000). However, I'm not sure if this only applies to undergrads. Just something to check out.
This post was very, very helpful. To anyone struggling with LG, I suggest reading through it to get plenty of decent information in terms of studying LG sections. Much appreciated @Pacifico!
@Pacifico said:
All this griping about the price of 7Sage is really becoming tiresome; if law school is something you're serious about then you would find a way to make it happen.
@nicole.hopkins @Pacifico in my opinion you should try to be less ignorant in saying what's easily attainable for different students. I highly doubt every single student studying for the LSAT can attain the 160 range from just this course.