Excited about tonight's Webinar. If you can't make it, all the material will be available in the PersonalStatement Bundle (scroll to the bottom), and I'm already thinking about the next Webinar.
More personality v. shorter length - Do admissions officers prefer a clean and concisely met minimum (two pages, for example) over a half-to-full page longer personalstatement with more emotion and personal background to it?
... an add on of your personalstatement, and that it doesnt rehash ... . Think of a very specific personal experience, how you overcame it ... . One person wrote a diversity statement about a bad date that ...
... not write this as a personalstatement either. Personal statements are more to ... write it as a diversity statement and have a separate PS ... , do it as a diversity statement rather than PS, they have ...
... hands until September regarding getting personalstatement editing because it takes time ... />
- Resume Review and Editing
- PersonalStatement Review and Editing
- Supplemental ...
I have an international GPA (round up to 3.6), and the LSAC transcript evaluation was only "above average". I have a STEM PhD from a top US engineering school and work experience in a law firm. I also think acing the LSAT is important. I got into Berkeley ...
I'm not sure how they would regard that, if it would be considered a soft or not, but it certainly is wonderful opportunity for an unusual & creative personalstatement if nothing else. Good luck!