... , could you please provide the PT number, section number, and question ... the title in the format "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question ...
... went from consistent -4's to -1's or -2's). So I was ... happened on yesterday and today's PTs which were radically ... LR strength and only missed 2 on each of yesterday ... my huge slump. So yesterday's score was a 172 ( ... even a great LSAT taker's scores are going to ...
But I was under the impression that conditional statements are not comparisons. I read the first sentence as a comparison and therefore ignored it since I did not read it as a conditional statement. How should I have broken down the first sentence to see ...
I don't understand why D is the correct answer. I chose C. Could someone please explain why the right answer is right and the wrong answers are wrong? Thank you
Anyone else think that game was the easiest game, once you recognized that it was a weird pattern game? I've heard many people complain about it but I still don't understand why.
Anyone else find the the reading comprehension and logic games on this test were significantly easier than others but that the logical reasoning was more difficult? I scored significantly lower on this practice test and I have been scoring on others. I ...
I can't find the link to BR Calendar for the online study groups Wednesday evenings. Does anyone have the link? I'd like to do the PT that's scheduled this week
... a diagnostic for my future PT scores. Crazy, with no ... pressure and albeit a PT in the 30’s, I scored a ... creative. For every new PT LR’s that I was taking for ... , I would take the previous PT’s LG & RC. I had ... cover sheet for all my PT’s for a Global view so ...
I reviewed the PT76 LR section today and can't find the experimental section for LR. I had five sections on my PT76 while the 7sage only have four sections' explanation. Any idea?
So I printed my ticket today and I have to that it looks bad. You can tell that it is me but an inch of my chin is missing and small part of the crown of my head is as well. I wish I could post a picture on here so I could get some advice
... and I were discussing PT 76 (a PT I had never ... my first reaction was that PT 76 does NOT "feel" ... voiced his dissatisfaction with PT 77's vibrant red, a point ... />
We both agreed PT 72 felt right with its ... purple cover and that PT 77 needed a more ...
... difficult from the June '17 (PT 81) test and want more ... that, you should check out PT 5's RC section. I thought ... a really similar way to PT 81 with a similar distribution ... difficult among the passages like PT 81.