This question asks us to identify a flaw.
Attorney: I ask you to find Mr.Smith guilty of assaulting Mr.Jackson. Regrettably, there were no eyewitness to the crime but Mr.Smith ...
I've done hundreds of LR questions and I was never this lost with a question. Got this right because the rest of the answers weren't compatible with the argument, but I have no idea why (C) is correct. I really would appreciate a detailed explanation for ...
So we have this health study that found that people who gained approximately 1 pound per year after the age of 35 tended, on the whole, to live longer than those who maintained the weight they had at 35. However, there have been ...
So I chose A because I thought that answer was the one that was most proven based upon on the stimulus and I thought E was a close second but I didn't choose it because it seems a little far fetched saying that the cleanser will " make relatively greater ...
So I didn't do so well on this game because I played the children multiple times because it didn't say that they had to be played exactly once, so should we assume that they need to be played at least once unless stated otherwise? Thank you!!!
Can someone please be kind enough to explain to me why the answer is (c)? I was able to eliminate only (a) and (b). I thought (c), (d), and (e) were all valid. I think I am missing something here.. Please help! Thank you so much.
I think SoA is incorrect because: let's pretend there are two subdivisions, A and B. Let's say sub A contained houses of $1mil and sub B had houses costing half million. Let's say someone like Bill ...
I don't understand why the answer to this is not D. It says in the prompt that insectivorous plants can survive in soils that are too low in minerals for non-insectivorous plants. Is the issue the word "different"? Insectivorous can survive in at least 1 ...
In PT 13, Section 4, Question 7, when Murray says "You are wrong to make this claim", does he mean that the claim being made is wrong? It is one thing to claim that a statement is wrong( false) and another to claim that the person making it is in the wrong ...
Im not sure I understand the stimulus, i picked E because I thought it was circular reasoning. Even after analyzing it for a while I'm not sure what the stimulus is saying...
The conclusion reached above depends on which one
of the following assumptions?
The pre-Columbian inhabitants of Mexico
played games on all ceremonial occasions.
The making ...
This necessary assumption question discusses the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with a newly developed drug. CFS is associated with three different symptoms, and we don’t know if these symptoms are the effects of only one virus or of multiple ...
Can someone explain why D is the correct answer and not A? I feel like the passage suggests that kinglets do not participate in nocturnal behavior to find food.