I know the conclusion is computerized "expert systems" cannot be~ and all of the other sentences are premises.
And I chose A as an answer, but the correct answer is B.< ...
At first, I thought the answer might be (D) since before I saw the answer choices I noticed that there is a problem in assuming that atmospheric ozone levels are equal in every global ...
So I chose B because this is true almost all of the books from the past 150 will gradually destroy themselves. it says in the stimulus that it will slow down the process it doesn't say that it will reverse the deterioration and I didn't choose A because I ...
I answered this question correctly but approached the stimulus differently than J.Y. I interpreted the part that says “who receive unsolicited advice from someone whose advantage would be served if that advice is taken” to be a ...
I do not understand at all what the correct AC C is trying to say and why it is correct. Stimulus says that the gov't makes the bank pay for a premium, but that depositors should instead pay the premium since they are the ones benefitting from the ...
I got this Necessary Assumption question right, and while it wasn't completely a shot in the dark, I'm struggling to articulate what the argument is saying, and why C is the correct answer. So here I will try to type it out. Any feedback is ...
Aren't there two main ways to weaken an argument? Either by going for the premises (contradicting them) or showing why the conclusion doesn't necessarily follow from them? I thought C did the first, but now I am having doubts. The stimulus concludes that ...
This necessary assumption question discusses the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with a newly developed drug. CFS is associated with three different symptoms, and we don’t know if these symptoms are the effects of only one virus or of multiple ...