Hi, could someone who understands this passage thoroughly translate paragraphs 3 and 4 with me? JY's explanation video for this passage zoomed through the last paragraph and I was still left pretty confused.
Can someone please explain why answer C is incorrect? I got the right answer but I just want to see the logic behind answer C being wrong I cant quite word it.
The last couple sentences of the passage say that there are a couple constraints to the method, but then the MP question says nothing about the constraints only about how the method is good? Im confused.
Hi, I'm doing problem sets and for whatever reason there are no explanation videos for the answers. I enjoy watching the videos because I like to know what I did wrong and right. Why aren't there any explanation videos available? Maybe I am not looking in ...
I could really use some clarity on Game 2 from PT 91. For some reason I was completely drawing a blank and as a result I missed 5 of 6. Has anyone ran in to the same issue? If so, how did you setup your game board and/or solve the questions?
I could really use some clarity on Game 2 from PT 91. For some reason I was completely drawing a blank and as a result I missed 5 of 6. Has anyone ran in to the same issue? If so, how did you setup your game board and/or solve the questions?
So, starting January 17 to take the June test, requires over 50 hours a week of study. That's over 5 months, and the schedule requires 50 hours a week?! That can't be right. I can do 20-30 hours a week, so how do I adjust this in my schedule?
If someone has done this question about water vapor and oceans and got it correct: can you please explain to me? I am not understanding the correlation between precipitation and the concentration of oxygen in seawater. I chose A originally if someone can ...
... is an LG, S2 and S3 are LR, and S4 is ... shows that S1 corresponds to S3 (second LR) on lawhub, S2 ... corresponds to S1 (LG), S3 corresponds to S4 (RC), and ...