Can somebody please explain to me why AC E is correct? I got the question right just based on process of elimination, but I am not convinced as to why it is particularly the correct answer.
I thought I had a good handle on quantifiers until now lol I can't understand how C and D in structure are different, so I was stuck between the two. Help would be appreciated on this question.
I don't understand why B isn't the correct answer choice for this question. The passage says S and O "make a distinction between this type of uncertainty and that known as "chaos". To me this is pretty clear the mentioning of "chaos" is ...
Can someone help me to identify opponent's argument, since I don't see clearly where is a conclusion and where are premises. All I see is a set of premises with unstated(assumed) conclusion. Thank you!! #help
Can someone please explain how did we get C as correct AC. We don't have to have same totals in order to get same percentages. Why does this question requires us to make this assumption? Thank you!
My issue is in the the stimulus finding the conclusion. Can Someone please help?
**Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [brief description]"** ...
I thought we weren’t supposed to pick answer choices with “some” in weakening and strengthening questions because the choice would have little to no effect on the argument. Is that a rule of thumb I should forget about? Because this question appears to ...
I understand why the correct answer is correct but I’m still iffy about answer choice A. Every website I check has different reasons for why it’s incorrect. I’ve read that it’s because the choice says beverage which doesn’t necessarily include coffee but ...
I was stuck between C and E for this question and chose the latter because the stimulus seemed to be more focused on extraterrestrial life. E can also be an actual reason for why we wouldn't know about life outside of Earth. How would you know to choose C ...
Wouldn't the inability to detect methane in the atmosphere (C) be the answer? The right answer (B) says that not all living beings have the ability to produce methane, but couldn't "not all" still mean that 99.9% of living beings could (and hence NOT ...
I got this answer wrong and was unsure of my answer. Is the correct AC A right because it strengthens the premises to fill in a gap where the deer population increase after the hunting ban could still ...
Can someone help me understand this logic? Why is D the right answer?
The theory of military deterrence was based on a simple psychological truth, that fear of retaliation makes a would-be aggressor nation hesitate before attacking and is ...