Hi guys, I am taking the december LSAT, and I just tried practising this game. @"J.Y. Ping" doesn't explain this part of the game. Please somebody help.
Hey, guys! I'm just drilling a few weaken questions on my lunch break and I have a question about AC C. I eliminated it but I haven't found my reasoning in the forums that matched mine, so I want to make sure I eliminated it for the right reasons. The AC ...
Hi everyone! For this question, I understand how answer choice B wrecks the argument, making it a solid necessary assumption. It was my original answer choice, but I thought I was being tricked at the back end of the test because it seemed like a ...
You can never have too much practice with RC, right? Which is why you should definitely go check out this passage and then help a girl out with a question that is causing her to pull her hair out :)
I'm confused why the arrow splits for PT 22 GAME 4 RULE 4 and the arrow doesn't split for PT 31 GAME 2 RULE 4 even though they both contain the words NEITHER NOR.
I thought the arrow can't be split for NEITHER NOR statements.
I have a question for answer choice A for the second question on "mental contortions." Although I got this question correct, I was really hesitant on marking A the right answer due to the word "beforehand." In the context of the passage, it states that " ...
In the third rule, it says that if y is not in the park if either L or O is in the park, but then on the explanation, the sub game boards, he says that Y can be in or can be out if either L or O are out..., what am I missing? I thought if either one of ...
This was obviously a tough question, and after hours of tearing out my hair, I understand where the flaw is and why answer choice E is correct. Yet, there is still one component I am confused about.
Someone help me out here? I have a vague understanding of why C is the right answer, though I naively selected A. Best explanation I could come up with is that there will always be not obese kids being born into the population, regardless of the percentage ...
I think I understand why B is right, since middle ear infections are not defined as being bacterial infections in the stimulus. Probably just assumed this on my first read, which led me to pick A or D. I can't remember. I've drilled this question at least ...
Got this one right by POE but had a tough time being OK with A. It is definitely something I considered as a flaw in the reasoning. However, the use of "the identity of the practical joker" in the stimulus (which we accept as true and cannot contradict) ...
I had a hard time understanding why (A) is the right answer. After thinking about it for a day on and off, I came up with this reasoning. Please take a look if my logic behind getting the right answer is correct.
I am quite puzzled by the answer to this question altogether. The answer to this is answer choice A (circular reasoning of the first sentence and the last part of the last sentence following "because"), but I am not quite sure why ...
I had a question on answer choice E with this one. To me, the reasoning of flaw in answer choice E was the same as that of answer choice D of the same PT same section question 20.
Hey, guys. I think I got this one but I'm seeking clarification. I was between A, B and C and chose A. I think C is correct because a "property owner" is defined in lines 15-21 and A and B are incorrect because they describe how one can obtain ownership. A ...