So I didn't do so well on this game because I played the children multiple times because it didn't say that they had to be played exactly once, so should we assume that they need to be played at least once unless stated otherwise? Thank you!!!
So i see why AC (B) demolishes the argument and is clearly the correct AC. But does AC (A) weaken it as well?
I eliminated answer choice D because it says, "fails to exclude...." As I see it, answer choice D would perfectly address the flaw in the argument if it said something like, "excludes the possibility..." or "fails to consider the possibility...." Am I ...
Im in the middle of BRing and i like AC E bc how does the author know that having so much artwork that can satisfy every taste imaginable will affect someones aesthetic fulfilment.
But AC D... does the author have to assume there is such a scenario? ...
Flaw Question-- calling all folks who are a beast at LR:) HELP?
I understand that the answer is C but I want to make sure that I'm breaking down the argument correctly:
*Best way to understand --> Direct Empathy (that's what some ...
It's reached the point where i'm asking the Starbucks employees. I have NO IDEA why C is correct and why D is wrong. In fact, I've reread this thing so many times I can recite it. If anyone can help, please do ...
Would anyone be willing to walk me through this one? I just can't step back enough to see it clearly and feel certain I understand (and I don't have access to the explanation video). Thank you!
I am having trouble understanding why answer choice A is a necessary assumption. I eliminated this answer choice because of the word ANY. I think it may be due to how I negated this answer choice, focusing of the "quantity" and not on the word "work well ...
Can anybody tell me what this answer choice is exactly saying? I just want to know what it's trying to say because I don't think I'm completely understanding it.
It was a flaw in reasoning question (Preptest December 2015, Section 2, LR, ...
One of the RC passages in Sept. 2009 was about copyright and tangible object theory (TOT). In general, the passage goes like this (working from memory here since it's not with me at the moment but it's been bothering me all day):
Can anyone clarify why E is correct?
I chose E indirectly after eliminating other four answer choices.
Explanation for other answers:
Artist --most-> Hold less insightful political views than well educated ...
Got this question right because of process of elimination, but I don't quite understand why A is the right answer?
Could it be true that C and E are not the correct answers due to the following reasons?
C ) The stimulus doesn't discuss about architect in general, but specific architect (modern architect)
E ) Instead of work (object), the stimulus ...
I've spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out this question but it seems I've hit a wall. I was able to eliminate (A) and (D) quickly but had a hard time understanding what the "youngest" "oldest" phrases were referring to. I ...
Can anyone tell me why this question " the reasoning above is questionable because it fails to exclude the possibility that." is not "fails to include"? Doesn't "fails to exclude" imply that the reasoning included such idea, and by doing ...