My interpretation of the stimulus is that people who are allergic to cats react to certain proteins within the cat's skin and saliva though which particular proteins vary between ...
So in JY's explanation the stimulus represents invalid argument form 4. But I'm having trouble seeing this. Had the second sentence read "most BRICK houses on river street with front ...
I understand now that the answer is A, but I am having a difficult time seeing why B is wrong. Answer Choice B says Theodora is ignoring the research cited by Marcia. Which I agree with since Theodora mentions people loosing their jobs in the meat ...
Will someone explain to me why all the answers are wrong and why B is correct? I know it somehow links the premise and the conclusion, it's just so over my head I cannot figure it out.
Thanks in advance!!! ...
Could anyone elaborate why B helps the argument?
I don't understand how "moderate" students are related in this case...thank you!!
Intuitively I thought what said in the argument is contradicting...I thought people usually learn from history and as they increase knowledge about history, they will know better about what is good or bad. (Do people read passages/stimuli related to your ...
I'm trying to understand where my thinking went wrong here, because the truth is that even after spending a lot of time with this question, I know I could make the same ...
I'm quite confused on this question. I was down to answer choice A and E, and ultimately chose A. I understand why E is correct, but I still cannot grasp why A is not.
I thought that the stimulus could be viewed in relations to not only " ...
Hey everyone,
So question 24 in section 2 of Prep Test 61.
This question I've been trying to grapple with for 3 days (seriously). I understand how conditionals work, but this question just doesn't work for me no matter how many times ...
Having a hard time deciphering answer choice D correctness. Particularly, i am not being able to get over my thinking that D assumes that marks were formed at the place where sandstone was formed. I mean, the marks were formed somewhere else and sandstone ...
my understanding is that "when people show signs of having a heart attack, EKG is used", so the "cases in which no heart attack occurred", they probably not use EKG, so it's out of scope, because the conclusion is about " ...
I really need help understanding why there is any correct answer to this question.
It says that one of John's friends must be lying, but how do we know that that is true since it is possible that John is mistaken and he might actually be ...
Although I am getting better at locating the conclusion in the stimulus, the answer choices are throwing curve balls and hard punches below the belt. Can someone help me please......?
On this question, while I was able to understand and ...
In the last sentence of the stimulus, does "eliminate" mean completely removing ALL demeaning work, or only reducing the sum total of demeaning work? The last sentence says the robots will only "substitute one type of demeaning work for another" so is he ...
Please someone help me figure out how to map out this LG! I'm so confused with the pet owners and non-pet owners and the apartments. Would this be a chart question? Or a group ordering? Question 10 and 11 specifically confuse me, please help help help :(
Hi everyone, I've been rolling around in this question for a very long time and still have some fundamental questions so would be great if someone can confirm my thinking/help answer those questions. Thanks in advance!
I don't understand how E is the answer. I can we say that it must true that some of his friends must be lying? Is it cause we know that John isn't unique from them and knows no person who smoked 40 cigarettes a day for the past 40 years
and yet who ...