Can someone explain 29/4/5? (B) seems like it has the relationship backwards. In order for it to be the correct answer, shouldn’t it say that mainstream opinions are generally in the bland and innocuous ones? Because the other way around tells me nothing ...
I'm totally lost with this question. So when the Hvirus inserts itself into a chromosome of an animal, fragments of the virus are passed onto the descendants. The zebra finch and junco both have the hvirus fragments in the same location. They diverged 25 ...
Good lord, I find this question frustrating and I cannot for the life of me determine how any single one of these answers could be seen as satisfactory.
This is the question where West says that Haynes is the worst inspector. I honestly ...
Either my brain is fried or im thick as a rock bc i cannot put into words why C is correct.
These questions always trip me up. Sometimes, the LSAT is asking for exact definitions and sometimes, as in this case, they are asking for context. I've been studying the stimuli to come up with a system of when they want which one. In this case, I chose E ...
I have been looking at this question for a while and A, B, C appeared correct at first. I narrowed it down to C because it seemed like he was mocking and taunting the opposing view as to suggest their report ludicrous, an appeal to emotion. I ruled out A ...
_I found this section really strange I'm not sure why. I ended up doing well on it but for some reason flagged the first 5 questions... I think I was being overly cautious and doubting myself.
I thought I had a good handle on quantifiers until now lol I can't understand how C and D in structure are different, so I was stuck between the two. Help would be appreciated on this question.
I thought we weren’t supposed to pick answer choices with “some” in weakening and strengthening questions because the choice would have little to no effect on the argument. Is that a rule of thumb I should forget about? Because this question appears to ...
Wouldn't the inability to detect methane in the atmosphere (C) be the answer? The right answer (B) says that not all living beings have the ability to produce methane, but couldn't "not all" still mean that 99.9% of living beings could (and hence NOT ...