Hi everyone I took the April LSAT and am cancelling my score for the June LSAT retake. I continue to struggle with RC. Trying not to get bogged down by the articles stating RC is the hardest to improve but I cannot seem to grasp how to get through at least ...
Can anyone give some helpful tips on how to make the most out of reviewing the mistakes I make on the RC section? What are some helpful strategies/methods for reviewing and analyzing this section to avoid making similar ...
Hope everyone is doing well. I was wondering if anyone has had a great experience with a tutor that they can recommend. I am doing pretty well on LG so the 2 sections I really need help on are RC and LR. I average a -5 on LR ...
I am getting ready for the August LSAT, which brings back the fourth experimental section. Whenever I have taken practice tests on 7Sage, I notice I usually get two LR sections. Was it just more common with past tests that there would be two LR sections?< ...
Is there any way to sort analytics based on type of passages for readingcomp? I want to see the overall trends in comparative passages I've done in PTs to see which questions I've most commonly missed so I can focus on those. #help
... you who have struggled with readingcomp & improved greatly or even ... have always been great at readingcomp, could you please give me ... to study for readingcomp? Is the CC's readingcomp section good/ worth ...
As I have been working through completing many of the drills for RC, I often find that once I complete all the questions and then complete my blind review, that once I go to check my answers for these RC question drills ...
Hi everyone. I am not entirely sure where to post this so I am posting this here. I was going through the RC lessons on V2 because I am planning on taking the test post-LG and I thought it looked a bit bare It only had explanations for science passages. ...
I plan on taking the June test and my numbers for LR/LG are almost right where I want them to be. However, I am struggling to see results in RC. Does anyone have any tips that helped them have a breakthrough or see more progress in RC?