This is a reminder that we are meeting today at 7 p.m. EST to go over the RC section and experimental! This is optional, but it will be fun. Hope to see you all there!
One other question for you guys. I don't know as much about Stanford but wondered if you guys think it is worth considering more deeply? My sense was that it was more specialized in IP law and business. Am I wrong?
Omg yes I totally feel you sometimes it's way more fun looking at schools then studying. I currently have a serious boner for Stanford Berkeley and NYU
... ; I'm with you on Stanford, too. Palo Alto is the ... 't mind staying, ESPECIALLY, if Stanford shows a brotha some love ... .
> Stanford seemed to have a pretty ...
... ; I'm with you on Stanford, too. Palo Alto is the ... 't mind staying, ESPECIALLY, if Stanford shows a brotha some love ... />
> >
> > Stanford seemed to have a pretty ...