... have been consistently missing the early 20's questions in any LR ... to have that cushion and the timing strategy really works for ... these questions? Are they the hardest of the section? During BR, I ... : is there something special about the 19-25 questions in an ...
... been somewhat familiarizing myself with the LSAT material for about two ... practice LSATs. I've taken 20-30 practice tests until now ... 'm aiming for one of the top 20 law schools and, therefore ...
... : Very good about giving the five minute warning and reading ... was administered in the business school instead of the law school ... medium auditorium style classroom.
How many in the room: 20-30 the restroom during the test, so we heard the door ...
... -1-20, in which answer choices (B) and (E) contain the sufficient ... understanding of what makes the sufficient/necessary flaw bad reasoning. In service ... statement) has granted the sufficient element the powers of the necessary element.
... and provided excellent reading the night before the exam.
3. ... the20-for-20 rule (roughly), which is to get through 20 questions in the ... first 20 minutes.
... articles all over the web, all the time, to read ...
... would have interpreted the modifier "commonly grown" as the non-new ... would obviously be the correct answer (since, if the non-new ... produced the same yields as 20 years ago, it would wreck the ... this subset comprised 55% of the potatoes 20 years ago, that is ...
... been studying for the LSAT for the past 5 months ... and am taking the LSAT in this upcoming ... revise and study all the material again, is there ... know the questions have changed vastly over the last 20 years ... and so I didn't know if the ...
I want to make sure that i'm not drilling with any of the recent 20 or so tests. Is that how 7sage has set this up? Also another discussion said the drills are from pts 1-45, but how does this translate to the prep test numbers in the 100s on 7sage?
... second nature to you. The 10 - 20 seconds that you shave off ... each question add up in the ... also gotten more tuned to the LSAT style of writing so you ... are more comfortable navigating the question paper ...
... questions as I can for the next 20 minutes." And I'll ... intuitive to your learning/testing style, just don't do it ... as well stare at the ceiling through the entire RC section. style that isn't very well ...
... become acclimated to the 70's style of PT sooner ... do some of the tests from the 60s. You don ... enough time to do 20 PTs by June. Something ... br />
..... You get the idea, haha.
... than just worrying about getting the questions right.
... 15 - 20 minutes to actually get to the train station ... be sexiest, just attempting the breakdown the most efficiently way I ... sacrifice worth making for the LSAT. The evidence is pretty clear ... keeps me focused. Also the cognitive benefits are noticeable without ...
... class is professor-specific, including the topics they focus on, ... those topics they emphasize and the writing style they prefer based on ... have changed that much in the past 20 years. I mean, ...
These books pair nicely with the 7Sage Law School Curriculum, and ...
More crucially, the tone and style of them are just ... some of the time.
At the risk of ... 10-20 second process of identification here. A glance at the ... typically enough to determine the flavor of the reading material. Personally, ...
... found for me that the LSAT Trainer Style of combining studying for ... all sections at once wasn't the ... support and premises. I underline the conclusion of each paragraph. ... 20 PTs, I do one a week.
... for me that the LSAT Trainer Style of combining studying ... for all sections at once wasn't the ... and premises. I underline the conclusion of each paragraph ... by paragraph, and note the structure (e.g. ... have taken more than 20 PTs, I do ...
... I just read the passage for the first time and ... as follows: A) the author talks a great ... comes to the specific interviewing style. See line 20 where it ... a strong contender for the answer, skim through B ... actually make that inference, the passage doesn't either ...
... already done the 7sage course and gone through about 20 PTs, so ... on more recent PTs (like the last 20) and reviewing/trying to ... , I had to take the LSAT outside of the US, so my ... go over my mistakes on the actual test :/
... , if I have to be thebad guy and ruffle some feathers ... and embrace the likelihood that you are actually very bad at logical ... have the skills – after all, you probably wouldn’t feel bad if ... you’re bad at something. We’ll deal with the motivation issues ...
... my 7th today) that using the analytics to inform my prep ... understand the basic idea; it tells me that I'm bad at ... apply it. For instance, do the question/section difficulty ratings tell ...
... However, I actually went into the test feeling rather confident about ... have one of "those" bad scores on the real test day. Anyways ... way through logic games when the proctor announced "there are ... book and done all the homework for the LSAT Trainer. My question ...
... graduate fewer lawyers a year. Thebad news is that Canada is ... Specter and wear $5000 suits. Thebad news is that tuition is ... all of their classes with the same 20 students. Has a fantastic ... of T. Bads: relatively expensive ($20,000/year), and London, Ontario ...
... just ignorant?) Along the same lines, the argument is assuming ... unionizing. The argument only talks about the possibility that the union ... might do a bad job representing the interest of people. ... confident eliminating it. Does the argument equivocate on active ...
... all of this bad stuff during the war, then how ... the paradox since we want to know why all of this bad ... stuff was lower than before the war) ... occurrence, consistent with the facts in the passage and facts ... imply that the damage wasn't as bad as it ...
... br />
How many in the classroom: 20 (we all have a ... />
Noise Level: The classrooms that were assigned for ... />
Irregularities/mishaps: None. All the proctors were very efficient and ... />
Other Comments: I love the atmosphere at Broward College; you ...
... Strengthen question, you immediately see the gap and prephrase, and then ... , move on, and pocket the extra 20-30 seconds it would have ... taken to eliminate B-E. The ... your due diligence and eliminate the other answers anyway in order ...