Took December LSAT here and it was in an auditorium type setting with small armrest style desks…. Just saying' in case that is a concern for anyone….. Hopefully won't be a necessity but if it is, don't believe I'd take it here again…
... that love the practical-mechanical type indicator word exercises 7sage offers ... sort of quick fire application type of thing like conditional indicator ...
Can someone please explain briefly the differences of these three LR question types and how we should approach each type? Just a brief, helpful, cheatsheet type of explanation would be great. Thanks!!
Hey! So there was a thread started on LR questions. Creating a cheat sheet. Link here:
I was wondering if anyone had a type of cheet sheet for LG??
What does everyone think is the best method to study for the LSAT? Specifically, I am wondering if I should approach it by studying one area at a time or all areas together. What I mean by this is whether to study only logic games for a few weeks until I ...
I came across a question where I don't understand the question stem or how to take on the question type ( Prep Test 36 Q24 Sec 1). Is there a systematic approach on how to take on these "evaluation" questions?