... whether or not he is urm, he is quite an inspiration ... the all the comments about URM. This story overcoming plateaus through ... one's achievements by mentioning urm status
... are like every other applicant, URM or not, who retook the ... successful. So your point about URM status is ultimately missed and ... or nothing to do with URM status and everything to do ...
I'm really confused as to how you got outright denied from Harvard given your URM status and numbers. Did you think the interview went poorly? What are your thoughts on why this happened?
... believe you would be considered URM. Typically, URMs are only black ... you would fall in the URM category. It's possibly because ... everyone else and not a URM.
> @OlamHafuch said:
> The bump depends on what type of URM, too. Not all URMs are as underrepresented as others. The more underrepresented, the bigger the bump.
... are listed together in the URM section with American Association of ... schools that are favorable towards URM. Also it would be beneficial ... to check the 'URM' box on LSN to have ... .com/lsat/do-underrepresented-minority-urm-applicants-have-a-law-school ...
... think the whole point of URM is to have a law ... consider myself to be a URM in comparison with African American ... consider you to be a URM... though I may be mistaken ...