... seemed you went more the "mustbetrue" route than the "most strongly ... ." It doesn't have to be absolutely airtight that the passage ... mud recipes are required to be used -- but the support is ...
It's a very rare type of question, but yes, if your are doing process of elimination, you want to eliminate all answer choices that mustbetrue or could betrue.
Are they any different from mustbetrue questions? As in should I keep sticking to my normal rule of whether it can be supported by lines int he passage?
I'm not a sage nor a mentor but I think inference questions are just MustBeTrue questions! As JY says in those videos, "we have to push something out of the stimulus".
Start by reading for arguments: conclusions, premises, how they interact. Also, you should know exactly what every question type wants from you. Sometimes, for example, it wants you to find an appropriate conclusion ('MustbeTrue').
... between if's / could be's / mustbe's per section, mbt/mbf ... at least be seen in your "mind's eye" and if it ... types not including rule sub andmustbe handled with care. The tentmakers ... with these Q's and you'll be sitting there with like ...
... will not be able to understand this question. And honestly, JY ... to knowing the dictionary definition and logically invalid; E is ... that is logically valid, and relevant to the conclusion. and mustbe considered a premise if E ...
Will we not be able to diagram must-be-true/must-be-false questions on the logical reasoning section? Sometimes those are not so easy to do in your head...
... the answer choice that absolutely mustbetrue in order for the argument ... C, for example, it could betrue, but it doesn't HAVE ... to be. Not being able to open ... that not only CAN betrue, but it MUSTbe.
... : the SA answer choice will be a premise (additional information) which ... , if it's true, permits the conclusion to betrue.
Socrates is ... makes the conclusion true.
NA = something which mustbetrue if the conclusion ...
... Necessary Assumption questions as a mustbetrue question in the context that ... which of these answer choices mustbetrue? Thinking about it like that ...