Yes, timing is veryimportant. At first, for every 10 questions I would give myself 20-25 mins... After a while I was able to reduce that time to 15 mins. But at first I wasn't worried about timing but still wanted to keep track of it.
I am Wiccan (something I did not put in the essay) so the original Greek Goddess Themis (the original of Lady Justice) is veryimportant to me and does impact my life differently than most others (I would think). Food for thought, thanks!
This is a test to determine where you will be for at least 3 years-- which is veryimportant to your happiness. I would rather take a few months to make sure I get my best effort in and get it done right.
@nicole.hopkins said:
It should be noted that several "regional" schools Alex listed often have more clout than schools ranked #6-14 within those regions.
I feel like that is when ties becomes veryimportant.
I’ll be honest. Very few people can go from ... to 170 in 2 months. Very few can do it in ... questions are written by LSAC (veryimportant) and they call the LR ...
... a full ride is a very lucrative offer to some people ... degree you get is also veryimportant in this field, so it ... your acceptance, because it gets very complicated to negotiate after that ...
Similarly, "not both" can be used in a way that be applied to just about any type of game whether it be sequencing or grouping in nature, so context is veryimportant.
... PT explanations). JY makes things very clear and simple, and builds ... command of conditional logic is veryimportant for achieving a high score ... , I think it's not very likely that you'll reach ...