Flaw: The correlation of Ra, C, and (C --> Rh) does not ... ) or directly that (C --> Ra) (C causes Ra) or some ... contrapositive that (Ra --> C, relationship causal) which in no ... . Wrong answer.
If anyone is in the Arlington/D.C/Alexandria area, let me know if you are looking for an accountability or study partners for the September and November LSAT's.
... X -> B -> C -> D contrapositive is just the "inverse ... the logical chain" making it /D -> /C -> /B -> /X ... C then D
contrapositive would be:
if not D then not C ...
D. Among the C-14 ... , a small amount of C-14 come from the atmosphere ... the rest of the C-14 can still come from ... />
I picked D but the correct answer is C. Can someone ...
... />
Double conditional: A --> (C --> D)
Negation: First show we ... where C-->D doesn't apply (i.e. C-->~D or ~D-->C ... ). Once the (C ... -->D) rule is ...
I think the contrapositive is /[/e or /d-->/c]-->/[/b-->a]! However, the LSAT will not ask you to diagram such a complex conditional, so don't sweat this!