... />
**Direction ofthe arrow does matter-
*”Most” is the subset of “some”
• NO ... ’s not the case that…” in front of any sentence and understand whatthenegationof that ...
... is what @DumbHollywoodActor ... we can trigger thenegationofthe sufficient condition, ... s practically reiterating the last sentence ofthe stimulus. (D) has the ... the last sentence ofthe stimulus (all babies don’t know the dictionary definitions ofsomeofthe ...
... what it is worth, I also attempted to apply someof JY's techniques ... for handling conditionals that show up in the comments ofthe ... thenegationofthe all statement that he performs there, which does not use "some ...
... it's sick, it will seem tired and lazy. Thenegationof this is: Some ... dog is such that it's sick and ... tired and lazy". This is what I expressed when I wrote ...
... it's sick, it will seem tired and lazy. Thenegationof this is: Some ... dog is such that it's sick and ... why my method ofnegation is incorrect. I guess what works in my ... head isn't necessarily what I should share with others ...
... are plenty of dangerous assumptions regarding the LSAT, but the concept ofsome magical ceiling ... have any idea what a contrapositive is, a biconditional, negation, sufficient/necessity ... cetera (and that's just off the top of my head). These concepts ...
... are plenty of dangerous assumptions regarding the LSAT, but the concept ofsome magical ceiling ... have any idea what a contrapositive is, a biconditional, negation, sufficient/necessity ... cetera (and that's just off the top of my head). These concepts ...
... zoom level, those farmers, what about them? What'sthe predicate? Well, just that ... farmer in the region. What about them? (What'sthe predicate?) It's complicated. It's a ... I say for some people, X is true, thenegationof that is for ...
... arrow is what represents the relationship between the two ideas. T is the sufficient ... negate of this conditional statement, you say that there are some cases ... />
The contrapositive of [T→(J and S)] is [/(J and S)]→/T], and thenegationofthe contrapositive ...
... Then what do you think thenegationof "few" would be? Some people say ... "most", but I don't think it's ... />
> Thenegation would be
> not ... :( ?
Then what about thenegation...? Am I thinking correctly?
... what about thenegation...? Am I thinking correctly?
Ah I see the ... task precisely because ofthe nature of "few". Unlike universal indicators, "some" statements, and ... everything falls under wither the statement or it'snegation. Here, we two ...
Some ... />
. Thenegationof (D) does not wreck the argument. Thenegationof (D): [**chemical fertilizers ... And that's why they need to abandon the use of [**chemical fertilizers ...
The logical opposite of "Some ... could be having trouble seeing what these sentences actually mean logically ... negating necessary (Group 4) making thenegationofthe sentence positive.
Look back at the second sentence ofthe stimulus ... are, in fact, **at least some people fail to live up ... this perfectly. Apply thenegation test to double check. The entire argument will ...
... addressing the point about the existence of it.
So if the author's ... what seems to be the proper claim is just thenegationofthe first sentence in the ... to define "intelligent life" in some more precise way
Support ...
... understood what you meant by "common sense version ofnegation," but J.Y.'snegation ... see now that that’swhat JY said in the video about government ... the logical negationof “birds of different species do not generally....” would be “SOME birds of ...
... />
> It's good to have an idea ofwhatthe flaw is, but ... So knowing the flaw is key for NA, because thenegationof an NA ... "is" the flaw. So I ... things a little clearer, connecting someofthe elements about NA that I ...
... right or wrong depends on what definition of "many" you have. the negationof "many" is "none," then the way LSAC uses ... "many" meant "some" thenegationof "many" = 0. But that's not true. Thenegationof "many" = "not ...
... "some," and you negate "some" to "none," then Answer choice A wrecks the ... />
But it's not the right answer choice. So whatthe LSAC writers were ... " means 2 or more. So thenegationof not "2 or more" is ...
As for the first example, what ... would make thenegation irrelevant. I ask myself, “so what if someofthe windows can ... doesn’t stand without the correct answer. What’sthe assumption you need to ...
Yeah ... to get the big picture idea ofwhatthe sentence is saying. The sentence is ... there's a technical, grammatical explanation, too, but first and foremost, thenegationof ...
... would not choose it over some other food.
> the big picture idea ofwhatthe sentence is saying. The sentence is ... there's a technical, grammatical explanation, too, but first and foremost, thenegationof ...
... saying /S→U, the argument is ignoring the possibility of a negationof /S→U (/S←some→/U) the outcome". Instead it calls out whatthe flaw is ... , I am implicitly saying thenegationof this statement (A←some→/B) does not ...
... . Thenegationof (A) tells us that we therefore cannot "almost certainly" conclude whatthe ... STIM says about the mayor's repayment to L. It'sthe understanding ... hypothetical has some assumption holes, too, but for the reasons you give ...
... ofsome assumption the argument is making. So get into the habit of asking yourself, “what ... what are the implications? Do the implications actually weaken the support between the original premise(s ... provide support for thenegationofthe main conclusion. For ...