I read this article about the best ways to stay hydrated and I definitely see some instruction worth trying for LSAT practice. If it seems to work, I'll try it during the actual exam. Thought others would be interested in this new study as well.
Approximately a month ago I began studying for the December '16 test with with a 149 diagnostic score. After three practice tests, I'm up to 163. I'm still hoping to reach around 175 before the ...
Since we had a great discussion on an El Nino question last time, I thought I’d look it up and learn more about it. Really interesting weather phenomenon actually, so thought I’d share what I found:
I'm on my study break and well..... bored.
I figured at this point you've decided that you are going to take it or you aren't sooooo how many people on 7sage are taking the September LSAT? And where? Maybe people can meet up with ...
Is this allowed? haha I browse through people's threads and such and noticed that topics tend to get off-topic and cluster the OP's questions, comments, etc.. so I thought I would create this for everyone to just chat and connect. ...
... description of the test at http://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat ... /about-the-lsat and http://www.lsac.org/docs/default ... .
@hope.brinn said: http://imgur.com/a/iL4bP
... got this for drilling http://www.officedepot.com/a/products ... for future pt's http://www.officedepot.com/a/products ... going to get this. http://www.officedepot.com/a/products ...
I was talking to my friends about some comments I saw on the LSAT Reddit that, out of context, sounded really silly. Thought I'd share them all with you, too. ;) (Also quit stressing! I'm sure you did fine and if not, it's not the ...