... with Pacifico's method and I got to about ... of difficulty) and drilled that over and over for 3 ... ignore the time pressure and focus on the higher ... scanning the answer choices and initially ignore those containing ... got me: 1. PT -1or 0 on new test< ...
... down to a -1or -0 first. Slowing down and doing a thorough ... " each question before answering it, and write out Low Res, High ... which we read, and how it might change or shift throughout the ... speed is controlled by understanding and the importance of what you ...
... me to foolproof logic games and 2 replaceable erasers!
@canihazJD ... whisky glass I see? 10 and1/8th pencils, but how many ... glasses of whisky... ahahah and did the whisky increase the ... number of pencils needed or decrease the number of pencils ...
... to foolproof logic games and 2 replaceable erasers! and 1/8th pencils, but how ... of whisky... ahahah and did the whisky increase ... number of pencils needed or decrease the number ... some games after a glass or two of Macallan... hypothetically ...
... don't mind my asking (and if you've taken this ... you have gone w/ method 1or 2 for PT64.S3.Q26 ... the expect into some letters and it is likely for me ...