I am interested in studying together. I'm taking either Feb or Mar LSAT and started a discord page to facilitate a study group. It's just me and another person, we are starting to do full PT's and BR them
I am interested in studying together. I'm taking either Feb or Mar LSAT and started a discord page to facilitate a study group. It's just me and another person, we are starting to do full PT's and BR them
Hi- I sent you my email, but if I didn't make the cut off (if you limited the number) please let me know. Maybe others are in the same boat and we could forma sub group. I'm happy to host on zoom.
hey y'all! so is there any study/support group formed yet for Aug/Sep or what? I ll be interested as well to forma group of few with same goals and timing, create a study plan together and start working...!
Broadly, you know what you dont know... which is good. Much better than confidently answering wrong. Now use your review to identify exactly what the issues are and forma plan of attack to address them.
... a method of argument question... for argument based passages anyway. Long form ... translation - where you type out a paraphrased version ... the other sections... a point is a point. Doesn't ... , you can literally get a0 on an entire section if ...
I am actually looking to forma small study group as well. Maybe we can study together virtually during the weekend? Feel free to inbox me if you're interested!
... to accumulate until they form 1.00 days (0.25x4=1.00 ... year time span until they forma new weekday, we make four ... is both a part of a year and a part of a week. a part of a week and a part of a year. That ...
Under the "Live Classes" page there is a button at the very bottom that says "Subscribe to Calendar". Once you click that it will give you options of different calendars to subscribe to.
... moving on. I am a sucker at getting the implicit ... go too fast. Try to forma mental image in your head ... and faster to para-phrase a stimulus and eventually answer ... i believe that drilling is a better way at practicing ... only 1 or 2 PTs a week closer to the ...
Hi there! I will be taking the LSAT tomorrow, however I plan on retaking it once more..if you will retake the test once again, I would love to forma group to further study together. let me know! Thanks.
... of the fourth valid argument form and contains math in ... - MBT, math, valid argument form) would be SO useful!! I ... is that if there was a specific categorization system, learners starting ... tag like "Valid Argument Form" (a more narrow knowledge area that ...