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Can't search forum. Anyone else getting a connection error?
Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Seeing this when I search the forum. Cleared cache. Reboo…
Query failed: connection to failed (errno=
, msg=Connection refused).
Seeing this when I search the forum. Cleared cache. Rebooted. Turned off VPN.
April 2017
Concern over "wasting" PTs
Hi all, I've taken 14 PTs. I find I learn best through a combination of drilling and PTs. However, 7Sage uses PT content for drilling. I like this…
... is to keep "fresh" PTs
-121. As a result of ...
January 9
I'm not really sure how to feel..
Well, everyone, I did it. I got the score required to get me into the school I'd like to go to. Ultimately I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Fo…
Hope you didn't get a leaver buster for that ranked game. Ouch.
July 2015
Freezing up on timed PTs
I've been PTing for about a week now and it's not going great at all. As soon as I turn on the timer or proctored app, I freeze up and can't even…
... meditation:
January 2018
Honest opinion
170 in July (6th take) and 2.99 GPA. Current offer: 105k Fordham Goals are BL. Should I take Fordham and run with it or reapply? I'm not a str…
... scholarship! It is worth about $
,700 of loans after interest ... very different with an extra $
,700 in loans than it ...
August 2018
LSAC-calculated GPA vs. College GPA, etc. - What matters???
Hi everyone, I just checked my LSAC Academic Summary Report and I am very confused. The LSAC calculated my Degree Summary GPA as a 3.36 and my Cu…
... may round that up to
.00, while the individual schools ...
August 2018
Law School Admissions
Posting on Behalf of a 7Sage User: Should I Take the November LSAT-Flex? (Need Advice)
**[I am posting on behalf of a 7Sage user. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you for your help!]** "I’ve taken the LSAT twice i…
... it seems like Texas Tech #
might be your best case ...
September 2020